Read Detailed Comparison between CIVIVI Elementum Vs QSP Penguin with more than 10 difference and 8 similarities you are not aware off. The main purpose of today’s discussion is what is different and common between the two. And there is also a price difference of $20 between QSP Penguin and CIVIVI Elementum. I have written a complete detailed Civivi Elementum Review and I hope you will like it as well, providing the best and detailed information.
You may have read so many reviews about CIVIVI Elementum by CIVIVI Knives and tones of videos where you have size comparison or knife comparison between Civivi Elementum and others. But to me the biggest contender in terms of overall design, finish and above all blade size and material is QSP Penguin.

What is common between CIVIVI Elementum Vs QSP Penguin?
To make it easier, for comparing Civivi Elementum against QSP Penguin, I factored out common elements from them which are as under:
Comparison Civivi Elementum VS QSP Penguin
Its quite interesting for me that both knives are different in size and overall style but they have same size pocket clip. Anyways this comparison between CIVIVI Elementum Vs QSP Penguin is divided in certain sections, like, blade shapes, deployment and locking, handle scales, finish and much more which is as under:
Blade Shapes Comparison between CIVIVI Elementum Vs QSP Penguin
CIVIVI Elementum has drop point blade with blade length of 2.96 with cutting edge of 2.625 inches as compared to QSP Penguin having sheepsfoot blade with blade length of 3.125 having 2.875 cutting edge. So, in specs QSP Penguin is little bigger.
You will see QSP Logo on Penguin’s blade whereas you will hardly notice D2 on flipper of CIVIVI Elementum
But Elementum has proper finger choil which goes perfectly with Jimping on the neck. You can use if for heavier EDC task where as in QSP Penguin the choil is very small. Not a good idea to put your index finger there else you might cut your finger being to class to sharp edge.
As mentioned Civivi Elementum has drop point blade and QSP Penguin got sheepsfoot blade. These are entirely different blade shapes and it depends which is most useful to use.
As I use Spyderco Delica in my office to cut packages and for slicing fruits for my lunch. Whereas, Drop point blades are much more universal in its applications and usage. So, saying which one is better than the other is all subjective from person to person.
You will find lines just like Damascus steel has on blade of QSP Penguin where as Civivi Elementum is clear with satin finish.
The Swedge on Civivi Elementum is more prominent adding a look to its blade as compared with minor or minimal swedge on QSP Penguin.
QSP Penguin has a groovy spot for Linerlock, making locking easy as compared to Elementum.
Handle size and shapes of both the knives is almost identical. Civivi Elementum Micarta handle scales are more of skeletonized from liners, making more prominent look of liners as compared to Penguin.
The screws on Micarta scales of QSP Penguin are not flush as compared with Elementum. Elementum surely wins here in terms of handle finish.
Locking Mechanism QSP Penguin Vs Civivi Elementum
Given both are Linerlock but the hardware is not the same. QSP Penguin has copper washers as compared to caged steel ball bearings Elementum has and it does make different between the two. Naturally, CIVIVI Elementum’s deployment and locking is much smooth as compared to QSP Penguin.
As far as opening mechanism Elementum is flipper whereas Penguin opens with thumb studs. Both are okie in opening. The blades are centered when folded and opens smoothly. There is no play in the blades too.
Locking Click sound and action in Elementum is instant and prominent as compared against Penguin
Elementum Pocket Clip Vs QSP Penguin Pocket Clip
- Both have deep carry stainless steel pocket clips but, QSP Penguin can be used tip up for right as well as left handed users. Civivi Elementum is solely for right handed users.
- The disappointment I had with QSP Penguin pocket clip is that the screws are not flush with scales. And they rub off with my Jeans and jack’s pockets which I didn’t like it.
Hardware Comparison QSP Penguin Vs CIVIVI Elementum
CIVIVI Elementum has T8 Screws which are great, as these are more durable and you hardly slip the grooves as compared to QSP Penguin which is fitted with T6 Screws which are not durable and at times the groves get slipped and you cannot unscrew them making it harder for you to clean your knife.
The dismantling of Elementum is easier but gives a little tough time when separating it from the pivot whereas dismantling QSP Penguin is easier.
Conclusion: Comparison Civivi Elementum VS QSP Penguin
Both are quite good EDC folders under $50 dollars no doubt. As mentioned in my Civivi Elementum Review there are 13 variants in this knife model with starting price from $52 to $88 having different handle scales, blade materials and even blade finish. So, if someone is looking for variety yes, you have plenty to choose.
Whereas, QSP Penguin, it comes in 6 models with price range of $29 to $50, the one which is being sold for $50 has brass handle scales with Black stonewash finish.
As far as fit, finish and hardware is concerned, Civivi Elementum is truly a winner for me. It’s one of the bestselling knife of CIVIVI brand which is subsidiary of We Knives known for making premium quality knives.
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