If you are looking for wood handle knife or knife handle wood thinking which wood should be good? This post is for you to read.
Wood Handle Knife
Wood is being used in as handle in knives & swords since dawn of Bronze & Iron Age. It’s organic, durable, and comfortable in hand. You will see wooden handles in almost all types of tools, weapons and even ship handles till date are made from wood.
Hard Wooden handles made from hard wood shows a distinctive class and fine taste and from centuries in use, we always cherish its value, and knows very well that it compliments metals.

Woodworkers throughout the ages, carve, make design on wooden handles and they are renounced for their craft till date. Even today at the dawn of 21st century we have wooden handles having their distinctive role and worth given we have Micarta knife handles, metal handles like aluminum knife handles, stainless steel, titanium knife handles.
What is the difference between hard woods handles, soft wood handles, and just plain wood handle knife?
The word “hardwood” really describes trees that are deciduous (sheds leaves annually). Deciduous trees are in fact angiosperms trees: trees that lose their leaves every winter, bear flowers, and have broad leaves. Softwoods refer to conifers. Coniferous trees have needles or are evergreen, and have cones.
Since most of the deciduous trees have wood that is physically thick and more resistant to penetration, they were coined “woods.” This might not always be the case however, as some conifers have very hard, tough wood, and some deciduous trees have wood that is relatively soft.

Which wood to be used in making knife handle wood?
There is likewise confusion about which part of the tree has the most usable wood, and in knife deals with, it’s often the heartwood that is used. The hard wood of the tree is the inner core, extending from the pith to sapwood, where live cells have actually been transformed to gums, resins, minerals, and other compounds resistant to decay.
The hard wood is usually more difficult and more resilient than the sapwood. The sapwood is the living layers of the tree, is usually lighter in color and density than the heartwood, and is more permeable to liquids and prone to decay. You will find great good quality knives like Marbles Knives with quality wood in their knife handles. Similarly, Ebony Wood handle are used in many of Civivi Knives as well.
Most Popular Woods Used in Knife Handle Scales
Following is a list of most popular wood used for knife handle scales all over the world.
What makes one wood functional on a knife deal with, and another not?
Woods utilized for handles (any kind of manage) should be relatively difficult to be long-term. They need to be long lasting, able to hold fine curves and thin sections like the high points of finger grooves, flutes, and strengthen dovetails without breaking, chipping or splintering.
Knife wood handle must be smooth to the hand, polish well, and relatively close-grained so debris, staining, and contamination is kept at a minimum. Handle wood knife shall must be appealing. Another point rarely thought about is their propensity to expand a contract with moisture and temperature level modifications. All organic materials alter to some level. Knives from Frost Cutlery also have one wood functional knives.
Great knife makers make every effort to use steady woods and lessen motion that can loosen the wood manage from the metal knife tang. Makers also carefully use pins, screws, and accessory hardware to secure the wood to the knife tang, and need to also bed the wood with modern adhesives and substances to protect and seal the vital wood-to-steel junction.
Knife Wood Handle Attributes
There are many terms used to describe woods. In the individual wood type descriptions listed below, you’ll discover explanations of hardness, durability, and appearance.

The type of wood Grains, Shape or figure of grains, variation in wood colors, texture look & feel and much more are unique to each wood block and the value of wood is definitely determined by these factors.
All of these features and unique characteristics determine the worth, durability, and sturdiness of woods utilized on knife handles.
Conclusion knife handle wood
Given, all the above, Wood Knife handle has been use by us through centuries, with proper selection of wood and with proper craftsmen ship, I prefer it over G10 knife handle as Wooden Knife handles are meant to last long over the ages in their perfect color. They are cheap yet with proper craftsmen ship they exhibit the taste of Knife Collector (buyer / user).
Most Commonly asked Questions about Wood Knife Handles
Most Popular Woods Used in Knife Handle Scales are
- Arizona Ironwood
- Ash or Ash Burl Wood
- Bamboo
- Beech
- Blackwood
- Cheery
- Chestnut
- Cork
- Maple
- Ebony
- Hickory
- Oak
- Rosewood
- Walnut
Softwood is 80% of worlds annual timber production and it is taken from trees which are mostly ever green, mostly coniferous trees who have needles and have cones.
The wood of these trees is lighter in weight, less denser which are mostly seen in our Interiors such as Photo frames, Windows, Doors etc.
For Example Softwood Includes
- Larch
- Pine
- Cedar
- Redwood
- Fir
Following are commonly used and most popular Hardwood trees
- Mahogany
- Maple
- Merbau
- Oak
- Walnut
- Ash
- Beech
Hardwood is from trees which shed their leaves annually. Such as Oak, Ash, or Beech. Hardwood trees tend to grow on slower rate therefore the wood obtained from them is much denser as compared to other wood types.