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G10 Knife Handles

G10 Knife Handles

knife handle materials guide

Over the years while discussing about knives, I just saw people discussing the size and blade material of the knives. What I felt is we as majority do not bother about knife handle material and it’s the shape. Best example of G10 Knife handle is ZT 0308 knife

G10 knife handle, G10 knife handle with carbon fiber layers
G10 knife handle with carbon fiber layers
G10 knife handles, G10 knife handle in daily life
G10 knife handle in daily life

It the knife handle material which is as important as the blade. Because without proper handle, it’s hard to have proper grip in on it. It’s also tough to get best out of ones knife as well.

Best Knives with G10 Knife handles 2024

I don’t know why people always forget or don’t give importance to knife handle material as mostly, it protects the mechanisms that not only deploy the knife but also safeguards the knife’s lock. Knife handles shall be given their due respect and attention which they deserve.

With all that said, lets being with G10, firstly, do not confuse G10 with IMF thing here, we are talking about knife’s material. As there are many G10 Knife handles available different brands like TOPS knives, Spyderco, Kershaw, Gerber Knives, and Medford Knives, Spyderco Knives etc.

What Is G10?

G10 is made from composite material by stacking up multiple layers of fiberglass cloth, impregnated in EXPOSY Resin and later by compression under heat till epoxy cures.

It’s somewhat similar to Micarta but as discussed in Micarta knife handle, linen, denim etc. are used but in G10 Knife handle only fiberglass cloth or sheet is used.

Another key difference between Micarta & G10 Knife handle is of EPOXY. We use Phenolic Epoxy in Micarta whereas epoxy used in G10 is of fiberglass making it tougher, hard and even lesser absorbent of water.

Does G10 absorb Water?

Yes, G10 is a highly water resistant making it almost waterproof because fiberglass composite material, that’s why it’s mostly used in underwater applications and because it’s very hard Rockwell Scale 110, and have really high tensile strength of 35000 PSI making it more durable to usable to different applications.

Is G10 Knife handle toxic?

No, there are fumes produced during the process which are toxic, and once its dry, it’s not toxic as all, but if put to fire, it definitely produces very toxic fumes because of resin & hardener which also burn with fiberglass material.

Comparison of G10 Knife Handle & Micarta

Micarta knife handle is almost similar to G10 Knife handle. There are some differences which are materials used, curing process and density of both. There most common part between both are:

Common Factors between G10 & Micarta

  • G10 & Micarta both are water resistant

  • Micarta & G10 both are formed by high pressure heating of epoxy & resins

  • G10 & Micarta both are long lasting and durable

  • G10 & Micarta both can be made in any color

  • G10 & Micarta offers custom patterns as per designer’s will

Pros & Cons of G10 Knife Handle Scales

Advantages of G10 Knife Handle Material

  • G10 Knife handle is super hard as compared to Carbon fiber, Micarta or any other polymer material.

  • It gets highest Rockwell Hardness Scale of Material Rating among others ranking 105 with 35000PSI plus results in all sorts of tests.

  • G10 Knives handles materials are more water resistant as compared to Micarta and others because of its material.

  • More durable & long lasting then others

  • Lighter as compared to Micarta because of density

  • G10 Knife handles can be textured easily, at times bead blasted too

Disadvantages of G10 Knife Handle Material

  • G10 Knife Handles give more of plastic type feeling when gripping.

  • Normally, etching or ridges (scales) are incorporated for better finer grip on G10 handle knives

  • G10 handle is more slippery when wet as compared to Micarta (it’s as per my own experience so far).

Conclusion – G10 Knife Handle

G10 Knife Handle is being light weight and from fiberglass material with giving penalty options to scaling on it, makes it a great choice especially for Pocket Knives where weight is definitely a concern.

But they do give plastic handle feeling on one’s hand, but works good in all conditions and all types of terrains.

G10 handle knife, G10 knife handles

Most Commonly Asked Questions about G10 Knife Handle Scales

Is micarta better than G-10?2021-08-31T10:39:16+05:00

It all depends on preference and use. If your usage is more in wet environments like fishing, hunting in swampy areas, or for camping or survival then Micarta is great option to go with. But if you are looking for smooth, hard and impact resistant knife handle then go with G 10 knife handles

How long does G10 knife Handle Scales last?2021-08-21T17:00:14+05:00

The G-10 knife Handle Scales will effectively last forever. You can smooth them and polish them. And if you like the rough texture you can rough it up with a file (or carefully with 30 grit sandpaper). But it will make it wear. Do it at your own risk.

Where G10 Knife Handles are used?2021-08-21T16:59:14+05:00

G10 Knife handles (G10 Knife Handle Scales) are mostly used for underwater applications because of its core strength lies in being water resistant. That is why mostly G10 knife scales are popular with knives being used in SEA or at Harbors.

Does G10 scratch?2021-08-21T16:58:36+05:00

G10 is a very hard and durable material (composite layers of glass-fiber) which gives G10 handle scales an ability to resist scratches, dents and even moisture, making it damn near waterproof. That is one of the main reasons, this material is used as Knife Handle scales these days.

What scale is G10?2021-08-21T16:57:47+05:00

G10 is a very durable composite material that comes in a variety of sizes and bold vibrant colors and color combinations. It is made with glass fiber and epoxy which is compressed under extremely high pressure and heat cured to provide an extremely tough and durable material.

Is G10 good for knife handles?2021-08-21T16:57:00+05:00

G10 knife handles are very durable with a very high level of strength, meaning G10 knife handles will last for a very long time even under heavy use in both wet and dry conditions.

Other Knife Handle Types

2024-08-28T23:00:45+05:00Knife Handles|3 Comments

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